Finding the right words for your WHY - Simon Sinek - Simon Sinek

Finding the right words for your WHY - Simon Sinek

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People often say that they think they have their WHY well more than that they feel it.

It feels right and they know they're in the ballpark but they're struggling to find the words that's okay the most important part about this why process is that indeed it feels right remember the Y exists in the part of the brain the limbic brain that controls our feelings it also controls all our behavior and decision-making and so we don't want to think that it's right we want to feel that.

It's right and once you have that gut decision that that that's it and you get goosebumps when you start telling the stories that you think push you in towards your why then you know you had it if you start to well up or have an emotional response you definitely know you're in the ballpark then the trick is to find the words and it's the words it's the ability to articulate your why that makes it actionable.

So, absolutely why the words will evolve the words will adapt and change but the meaning cannot it's the meaning of those words those words that give you that visceral feeling those goosebumps that make you well up whatever the feeling you had is that's what's paramount but the words you can tweak and change absolutely for the end of time I've tweaked my wide multiple times over the years but the meaning of it in the basic direction is still exactly the same it's like a submarine when the captain orders the submarine to go north the submarine doesn't go in a straight line it kind of goes like this and you're why is the same thing you need to know the direction it's heading but it's okay if it goes like this as you're tweaking the words as long as you're moving in the right direction 

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