Why is Together Is Better only in hardcover? - Simon Sinek

Why is Together Is Better only in hardcover?

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 So, we've had a bunch of people send in the question why together is better if my new book together is better is only available in hardcover and if will it be available in digital format well when we had the opportunity to produce this book I writing something called together as better it's about interpersonal relationships.

It's about the real world it's about smelling and seeing and touching and hearing the world around us and so I thought what an amazing thing to do to produce a book that you smell and touch and see and it physical and it in the real world and as many of you know we had a custom sent design the smell of optimism that is in the book this is unreadable in a digital format.

It's Illustrated which we could do in a high-def digital format but we can't do it in your standard Nook or Kindle in other words the goal is produced to produce something physical and beautiful something that we want to give to someone receiving an e-book as a gift doesn't mean as much as receiving a physical book.

I said yes so that's the reason we did it so it still begs the question is it gonna come out in digital format well to be honest with you I haven't made up my mind yet if there's a lot of demand and if we see that there's a potential for somebody to get the message through a digital means I'm absolutely open to it.

However, I will only do it in a full-color format where you have to have some sort of Kindle Fire or iPad or something like that in order to enjoy it because I still want the richness of the illustrations and all the color that goes with them to be a part of the experience I would forego the smell but not the whole experience so that's the reason it's currently only available in hardcover because it's really nice to touch and see and turn the pages and smell and hand to another person and say you inspire me thank you so that's why I did it.

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