Leaders put people first - Simon Sinek - Simon Sinek

Leaders put people first - Simon Sinek

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 Leaders are so often, so concerned, about the status of their position and organization. They actually forget their real job, and the real job of a leader is not about being in charge. It's about taking care of those in our charge, and I don't think people realize this, and I don't think people train for this.

When we're junior our only responsibility is to be good, at our jobs, that's all. We really have to do, and some people actually go get advanced education, and so, that they can be really good at their jobs accountants or whatever right, and you show up and you work hard and the company will give us, tons and tons of training.

How to do our jobs. They'll show us, how to use the software. They'll send us, away for a few days to get trained in whatever it is that. We're doing for the company and then they expect us, to go be good at our jobs and that's what we do.

We work very hard and if you're good, at your job. They'll promote you and at some point, you'll get promoted to the position. Where we're now responsible for the people who do the job. We used to do. But nobody shows us, how to do that, and that's why we get managers and not leaders. 

Because the reason our managers are micromanaging us is because they actually do know, how to do the job better than us. That's what got them promoted, really what we have to do is go through a transition. Some people make it quickly. Some people make it slowly, and unfortunately, some people will never make that transition at all.

We have to go through this transition, of being responsible for the job, and then turning it to somebody who's now responsible for the people, who are responsible for the job.

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