At what age can you find your WHY? Simon Sinek - Simon Sinek

At what age can you find your WHY? Simon Sinek

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Some people ask what is the right age to learn?

Your WHY, there's no right age to learn about your wife your wives fully formed by the time you're about eighteen nineteen twenty, fully formed.

So, anytime after that you can find it out for the whole four your whole life, and the longer life you've lived you just have more data points you have more information to look at to find patterns and so people want to know if they can help their teenagers find their wide answers, of course, you can, especially for somebody who's a little younger whether WHY is still forming.

I mean the odds are and again I don't know the science I just know from talking to people from experience but maybe the Y form is a little younger fully formed a little younger so absolutely you can talk to your kids and find out what drives them and when they've been happy and most importantly is actually pay attention to when your kids are inspired and when they're happy and encourage that behavior encourage them to do more of that because the clearer they are of their why and the things that drive them and have the support they will build confidence for those things in their life and that will actually set them on a very very good path going forwards.

Most of us unfortunately are not given that opportunity we're often just told to get a job or do well at school or study harder and then by the time we're 30 or 40 or 50 years old we wake up and realize that we've worked hard we've gotten good grades we've got a job and yet we don't know who we are or what drives us so really a great parent what they do will help push a child push someone in a student if you're a mentor a teacher to someone in the direction that naturally drives them early and that Y will become loud and clear to them at a much much earlier age.

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