How does Simon make it look so easy? Simon Sinek - Simon Sinek

How does Simon make it look so easy? Simon Sinek

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I'll often visit companies or organizations who are genuinely keen to learn their wife or I'll meet people who are really driven to learn their what.

They say to me but I can't do it like you can, you're so good at it and the answer is yeah the only reason I'm good at it, the only reason I sort of it seems to be out of me a little clearer than others is because I practice.

I do it every single day this is not something I started yesterday this is a journey, I began years ago and I'm committed to it and I'm constantly learning about why I do not consider myself by any stretch of my imagination an expert in it I consider myself a student of it and I want to learn about it and improve I mean like any skill it is it improves with practice some people may have a natural capacity for it and some people may have to work much harder than others to get good at it but either way it takes a lot of practice and it's like anything else.

If you go to a ball game where you watch gymnastics at the Olympics they all make it look easy but there are so many countless hours and years and sacrifices and blood sweat and tears that they went through and failure after failure after failure so that when it actually came to game time it looked easy and that really is the opportunity I'm a great believer in practicing in places it doesn't matter when somebody says what do you do you know on a plane or at a dinner party these are the times to practice these are the times to get used to articulating your why this is when I would do it in random places.

Social environments where it didn't matter because if I got it wrong so what I would fail a hundred times and eventually when I started to feel confident that I started to get a positive response from someone at a dinner party then I would use it in a meeting a human being at a dinner party as a human being at a meeting it's still a human being but when it really mattered I'd done all the practice at times that it didn't matter and so it really takes a lot of practice and every now and then you have the courage to practice in the live situation as well but it could also go wrong but like any skill just a lot of patience and a lot of practically nothing else 

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